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An Clò Mòr

2 Musim
10 Episod

An Clò Mòr - Season 2 Episode 2

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48 minit 2025 HD

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Seumas is struggling with the secret of who Rory really is. Meanwhile, Sìleas is forced to take drastic decisions at the mill, including rehiring Boyd. But things begin to unravel as Donald resigns from the family business, and Murdina’s drinking begins to get out of control. Tha Seumas a’ strì leis an rùn-dìomhair mu cò dha rìribh a th’ ann an Rory. Aig a’ cheart àm, tha co-dhùnaidhean mòra aig Sìleas ri dhèanamh aig a’ mhuileann – a bhith a’ fastadh Boyd a-rithist, nam measg. Ach tha cùisean a’ dol ma sgaoil nuair a tha Dòmhnall a’ leigeil seachad a chuid obrach bho ghnìomhachas an teaghlaich agus tha Murdina ann an ceò deoch.
